Magma & Pearls: the Creation of the Dolls
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Magma & Pearls is an origin story for The Creation of the Dolls. The current chapter of work follows the journey of the dolls—a word that loosely means a trans woman so flawless she can no longer be considered real, underscoring how camouflage and metamorphosis serve as strategies for survival, and, ultimately transcendence. My project aims to bring different communities together to lean into the healing power of sharing our stories and cultivating worlds in our names. We all become stars building our own galaxy, universe of glory. — Keioui Keijaun Thomas
“Touch This Skin, Honey”
What is it
about the closeness of familiar skin that drives
crazy? No Beyoncé
They touched my skin
and my entire body shivered.
Their hands following the journey of my spine.
Touching skin to skin to understand every single bone concealed by my flesh
Touching to understand the history of our skin tattooed by every sunrise marked by our ancestors’ DNA and melanin.
Against every attempt to hold us down. Our eyes open, again in the morning light
And Still We Rise. Black and Luminous like the other side of the moon.
They wiped away the accumulated dust that had held me, together,
hardened my exterior illusion.
This body, this skin, this orgy of bones
I call home. This vessel, rough and soft at the same damn time.
Sometimes, I wonder
what they see when they look at me. I wonder if they see me inside of me
If they see the tenderness behind my eyelids? Protected by every lash
With my eyes closed, my heart is wide open. Stop and imagine that

“Heaven Bound Dolls”
For Saint/Motha Cecilia Gentili
*in our sister/ her daughter Rio Sofia’s words: “A Trans Titan”*
May these words hold us as we grieve and celebrate her life <3
Who knows more about the wind than the
Ocean breeze on the banks of white sand in
the Florida keys
Sometimes I feel like I’m heaven bound
The ocean swallows me whole Covered in
gold a new mold
transness as a full bodied spectrum of
existence. The way we show up in the world,
Brave and beautiful in all of our nuances with
so much grace while changing the world and
exceeding expectations
A rapture of undoing
An anointment by the universe saying Bloom
“Black Aunties”
Sometimes I feel like the
ocean is the closest living
relative I know.
Like a black auntie that’s
really yo cousin but old
enough to be
respected like yo mama’s sista.
Ya know, the kinda auntie cousin that managed to wade thru
the small town troubles.
Found ha a nice house
outside the hood y’all call home.
Wading in the wada just across the
riva. She been holding life forces, souls
and secrets never to be told.

“Jade Daggers Buried in the Garden”
Hold me
like we’ve just finished fucking
under a waterfall.
Wet and hard diamond pressure
Kissed by a star
the same star sign you see
when you make love inside of me.
You say, it makes you hold me harder than
your cock pressed against
the inner walls of my spectrum.
A thousand whimpers in the moonlight,
tucked in between my thighs.
Rise, soft and gentle.
Like a jade dagger, ready to open you up. Cutting
through the bullshit to find the truth. No more code
switching in order to survive.
My camouflaged armor dropped down by my ankles. I say,
get on your knees, if you want to greet me.
Like a black femme queen. You can kiss my feet
not my ass cuz that would bring too much pleasure to your lips.
Make you pray for moments like this
in the rose garden where Black Femmes reign supreme.
“Napping in 2020 ( or a Pandemic )”
and my ego said
but you’ve traveled the world
and my body said
but you still hungry hoe
and my spirit said
you got more work to do
and my body said
you still got pain and trust issues that
trauma sit deep in you
and my ego said
but you can get dick anytime
you want
and my body said
you like your belly rubbed and
your neck kissed
And my tongue said
you like your water sparkling
And my heart said
what do you really need
and my body said
say what you want
and my ego said do
you boo
and my spirit said
you are Marva’s grandchild
and Bridget’s baby— it’s in your blood,
sweat and tears mama
and my ego said
don’t post that
maintain their fake ass perception of you
and my body said
take a nap
“Meteorites (Fall On Deaf Ears)”
and I’ve watched the ocean rise
and fall like meteorites and I’ve
kissed your neck and stroked
your skin
and rested in your eardrums and
laughed in your belly and
believed in your glory and
maybe listening
to your spirit
delivers you from your ego and
sometimes you arrive
at the heart of it all
bodied and content.

“Washed Up by the Tide”
I once was sharp like
a stone dagger
but I’ve learned to be
over time,
washed up
and rinsed
by the tide.

“Immaculate Marbles”
perhaps, it is in my spirit
or my grandmother’s, mother’s red
blood cells or kidney disease.
perhaps, it is somewhere
in the dust of my shedding skin cells collected on
my imagined lovers’ bedsheets, drenched from
summer heat.
perhaps, it is in my faggot sweat left
behind on the dance floor,
collecting puddles of runoff doll energy.
perhaps, it is so vague, so nuanced
i will never have the words to describe it, but i do
feel it, sometimes.
immaculately marbled feelings of
dolls transcending.
They Call Us the Gurls ( or Doll Headquarters )”
They call me a star because I listen to their
wishes and birth dreams
They call me dat girl because I let my spirit
reign supreme
They call me a hoe because I know how to
make a nigga wanna believe in serving
They call me a saint because I never let the
church faze me
They call me a slut because I’ve spent days
on my knees not praying to a god that never
could see me
They call me a bad bitch because I speak
with mountains and earthquakes between my
They call us nasty because we can touch our
toes and still make a bitch feel our souls
They call us ghetto because our tongues
know how to untwist harm and open oceans
in the middle of projects and concrete
They call us ratchet because our words are
innovation sparking revolutions

“Never Forget 1861 ( or Negro Truths )”
How can you say forget the past (nigga)
and in the same breath praise the confederacy as
your history — marked in the pages of fallacy
40 acres and a mule wiped clean
of your brutality— buried in misery.
Your granddaddy say reparations
aren’t warranted after centuries of slavery — enslaved
memories on cotton and sugar cane receipts
Picked and plucked as plantation goods not
even the crows could speak
even in the blood of descendants hanging in your galleries
Gospel hymns murmured in fear
after so much blood, sweat and tears— stained stories in gods
Not even soap can wash away the treachery
under the Spanish moss and in-between your molar teeth
Your tongue can’t regurgitate any truth— with so much blood at
the roots
How can you say
we don’t deserve to be paid for centuries
swept under
willow tree graves.
“The World Shall Shake”
When an alien meets a goddess the
world shall shake.
Language will greet her tongue to ask
for grace. Oceans will lap
at her thighs sharing stories of light years in
Even black stoicism shall reside. Tongues
will untwist ancient lies to be alive.
Even gender shall rise, beyond our eyes.
Hypnotized in glory. Angels will sing
melodies of our loves embrace. Deep love to
us everyday.
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