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For the first time in mrpj’s history, readers will be able to search through the entire archive of contributions to the publication dating from Issue #1 (1990) all the way to our latest issue. With the “Add to collection” feature, you can add individual articles to personalized collections from across a variety of Issues, assembling your own readers from mrpj’s entire catalog.



In 2021, my body collapsed from a severe episode of Graves’ Disease, an autoimmune disorder that causes hyperthyroidism. I vividly remember the terror setting in one night when I could...


The third issue of Movement Research Performance Journal , to which the PJ editors requested we respond, is comfortingly of its (1991) moment: an interview with auntie Kate Bornstein; research...


i have been thinking about how to start my MRPJ Guest Editors letter for Issue 60, reimagining the Journal 's third issue, published in the fall of 1991, sometimes referred...

Movement Research Performance Journal is an independent publication, supported by our readers

We aim to foster the evolution of written and graphic languages that address current issues of dance and performance.

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